Blog Authors
Some of the authors featured on our blog include:
Garrett Garcia is a content writer with over four years of experience with freelance writing and one year of gaming content. He writes on a variety of topics, but is most passionate about video games. He loves to stay up-to-date on the most recent games, and currently plays on his Nintendo Switch and gaming laptop. |
Tyler G has been playing video games as long as he can remember, with some of his earliest memories being playing Dr Mario on the NES, getting Pokemon Blue and a Gameboy Color before he could read, and his older brother helping him learn to read by reading off the text to Final Fantasy games as they played it- leading to a life long passion for RPGs, and especially adores tactical/strategy RPGs and eagerly awaits those Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Final Fantasy Tactics remakes. Any day now... |
Dana Rudnitsky is a nerd before anything else. During the day, she plays pretend at being a digital marketer and a content writer, and she writes fiction by night. As far back as Pokemon Red, she has only ever chosen the Fire-type starter. Her biggest fear is the tangle of cords from all of the consoles around of her television. |